Here’s a note to the momma with the toddler fighting nap time for the third day in a row. To the momma with the baby cutting teeth that can’t be put down. To the momma who has laundry in places laundry shouldn’t be in her house and none of its clean. To the momma with dinner burnt on the stove. To the momma with the defiant toddler who is potty training and leaving his mark on the entire house, dog, and dirty laundry. To the momma of multiples who just wants to have a second to connect with each one. To the momma who just needs to pee but can’t seem to get a free hand to even pull down her own britches. To the momma reheating her coffee for the 5th time and its 4pm. To the momma who is letting them both cry for just a second so she can pray in the pantry for a little bit of grace, peace, and sanity.
You’ve got this. We all got this. There are hard days, minutes, mornings, nights, and weeks. They will push you and stretch you where you didn’t know you had room to grow. They will make you search inside yourself for a lot of answers until you realize that’s never where you were meant to look for the answers.
Kids are one of the many tools God uses to stretch, mold, and bend us into who are suppose to be, in Him. You can be patient. You can be kind. You can be strong. You can be weak. You can hide in the pantry. You can muster up energy when you’ve had no sleep. You can make a lunch out of nothing in the pantry because you haven’t made it to the store in a week. You can apparently hold it until you can actually go to the bathroom at 3pm. You can breath life into a crying heart. You can wipe tears away from tiny faces when you just got done wiping your own in the shower. You can show strength while feeling weak. You can coach through big emotions when you’re not even sure how to handle your own. You can be all these things, momma, because we are His.
We are His. Just like they are ours. He loves us above and beyond how much we love them, and some times that’s hard to fathom. He shows us grace when its undeserving. He gives us a minute when we haven’t given Him a second. He takes a deep breath for our weak moments and comforts when we deserve scolding. He weeps when we run but is waiting when we return. He makes miracles out of sand and breaths life into our weary souls. He sent His son for our mistakes and for our son’s and daughter’s mistakes.
In no way are we equal, but we are His, like they are ours. We can use HIS strength to make it through those long days, because it’s there that they meet Jesus. It’s through us, they meet Him. It’s through His grace, we are moms. You got this momma, because He has you.