When my best friend Michelle reads the title of this post, she’ll die. Literally fall out of her chair and possibly pee her pants. It’s a hilarious memory of when we were in college, having some late night burritos, and received unsolicited advice from an anonymous source about the state of our hair. My blonde head (most of the time, sometimes brown) rarely misses a hair appointment, so it makes it even better.
I am the friend that without a doubt shampoos her hair the least. I’ve worked on the skill over the years, but not before I had a TRAGIC school photo in the ninth grade where my head could have easily been used in the mechanics class to grease the cars. IT. WAS. THAT. BAD. If I can find it, I’ll share one day. Hopefully it was set on fire at some point. However, after the tragic stages of puberty and the birth of dry shampoo, I am a walking billboard for the 5 day hair wear. There are a few things I keep in mind and do to help my hair last! Not at all a hairdresser, but this is what works for me.
- Don’t use conditioner on your roots. The scalp produces enough oil, your roots don’t need extra help. Ditto for your serums, sprays, anything used for styling, except for dry shampoo.
- Use a brush as much or more than your hands. Anything that adds oil to your hair, try to avoid.
- I use a volume mouse/root lifter prior to blow drying. This adds extra lift so the second and third day aren’t as flat as they would be without it on the first.
- DRY. SHAM. POO. And all the angels sang. You can get the $5 or $35 stuff. Whatever tickles your pickle. I use Batisse right now but had Living Proof before this bottle. I use on the 3rd-4th/5th days. Spray, let it sit 1 minute or so, rub it in, then brush the remanence out.
- At night, I wear my hair up or back in a loose pony. No idea why or what this does, but I notice that my washes don’t last as long when I don’t do this.
- Lastly, I don’t recurl my hair every day, mainly to avoid frying it but also to avoid touching it, making it dirtier. I spend the time and curl my hair on the first day. No quick curls and no skimping on sections. This allows for the 2nd/3rd days to still have curls/waves, just use a texture spray for that little extra something. Then 4th/5th day is half up or ponytails.
All my products I’m currently using are pictured and linked below! Let me know your favorite tricks or if any of these change how you do your hair!
It’s a Ten Miracle Leave In | Nutri-Gloss Top Coat | Texture Spray | Volumizing Mouse | Dry Shampoo – NEEDED!